Saturday, December 18, 2010

Some new songs.

The Silent Years- On Our Way Home
The Silent Years are a Detroit, pronounced Day-Twa, band fronted by Josh Epstein who is currently working in Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. which is perhaps my new favorite band. This song is really good though.

  06 Simple Girl_Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. by NotesbySpark

Speaking of DEJJ, this is Simple Girl, which is a simple pop song. I just saw them live and they are releasing an album in the spring which, I am going to guess, is going to be my favorite album of the year. Check em out, I talked with them at their show and they're really nice guys who seem down to earth and focused on having a good time and making really good music.

Oh yeah, here's another silent years song for your listening pleasure.
The Silent Years- Black Hole


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